Sunday, October 18, 2009

3 People in the World

If I had the choice to talk to any three people in the world, they would have to be the entire current New York Yankee team (I'll count that as one person), Martin Luther King, Jr., and Jerry Seinfeld. I'd love to talk to the Yankees team to find out how exactly they were able to make it this far into the playoffs, whether it was purely because of talent, luck, team chemistry, or a little of everything. I would want to talk to Martin Luther King Jr. so I could talk to him about how he had the courage to do what he did, standing up for what he knew was right. And lastly, I would talk to Jerry Seinfeld so I could talk to him about his famous sitcom "Seinfeld" and maybe share a few laughs with him, too.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tough Choices in House

Recently there was an episode of the television show House, M.D. that had the medical team deal with treating the mysterious illness of a ruthless dictator responsible for the slaughter of thousands of innocent people in his country. One member of the team in particular, Robert Chase, has to continually deal with the conflict of trying to save a murderer. He knows that if they successfully diagnose this man, he will go on and kill thousands more. Chase finally makes the decision to trick the other members of the team into giving a wrong diagnosis that would prove fatal to the dictator. Chase apparently thought it was better to murder him before he could kill more people. After watching this episode, I thought to myself whether or not I would've done the same thing if I were in Chase's place. I know that it is completely against God's teachings to murder someone, but sometimes the line between murder and stopping someone from murdering others isn't so clear. My personal convictions are that taking the life of anyone regardless of the circumstances is wrong. The character in the show gets away with murdering the dictator (so far), but I know that if this was real life, I would have to answer to God for doing something like that.