Monday, November 22, 2010


One of our journal questions asked us to finish this quote: "Life is like a..." To me, life is like a Japanese game show, you never know what's going to happen. Despite the slightly inappropriate nature of this quote, I think it is completely right. In my experience, life can change in a heartbeat. This doesn't just apply to my observations at school or at home, but in every area of life. In this broken world that we live in, one day people can love you, and the next they'll hate you. We will experience problems and troubles in our lives, but we will also have those great, incredible moments that we'll share with the special people we love and are closest to us. While life is full of uncertainty about the future, the one thing that is constant and remains the same is Jesus Christ. He is the rock we can depend on when everything else is shaking apart. While we may not know what will happen in life, God knows, and that's good enough for me.

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