Monday, December 13, 2010

The Worst Problem in the World

The world we live in today is just covered and inundated with all types of problems. This is a direct result of the sin that humans have brought into the world. God never meant for the world He created, Earth, to be the dangerous, uncertain place it is today. I believe that all, or at least, most, of the problems in today's world can be traced back to one shortcoming common in almost every single human being: selfishness. How many crimes are committed because a person wants something for themselves and is willing to do whatever it takes to get it? How many wars have been started throughout history because of selfishness and greed on the part of world leaders? I do not think this problem will go away any time soon; we are stuck with it until Jesus comes back and sets up His Kingdom on Earth. But if leaders today chose to act selflessly more often and not working for their own gain, many of the things that are wrong with this world would disappear. Wherever people start caring for others, sin has no place. And without sin, many problems would be eliminated. But in order for this change to take place, we must pray to God to get rid of our selfishness so we can act in a way that is pleasing to Him

1 comment:

  1. Very thought provoking! Great job, Jeremy! I think you are right. CS Lewis attributes every sin to pride- which I think is a direct tie-in to selfishness. Well said!
